Goodnight Prayer

First of all, I wish you the sweetest of dreams tonight.


Father, you know me better than anyone. Better even than I do. You know my confusions and frustrations, joys and passions and thoughts I have yet to think. Guide me in your will, let my head not be turned either to the left nor the right. May my focus be on you and all you are and all you will accomplish in and through me. May I remember always that I am not the main character in my own story. You are the main character of this life. My life is lived in service to you. I pray for those who read this tonight, those who may be thinking about me, and those who do not know I exist, be in their hearts tonight as they sleep. When they wake, be a praise on their lips and a song in their chest. May the world see we are yours by how much we love one another tomorrow. Goodnight Abba, thank you for the joys today brought, along with the thoughts I stress over. Will you take these burdens from me? Glory and honor to you Master, in all things, in the sweet name of Jesus our savior.

Bon nuit

Journal #1 – Foolish Me

I am feeling a bit out of sorts this evening. Seemingly most of my writing has been about my own brains being in a tizzy for one reason or other lately. Even in this very moment I am having trouble putting together a coherent thought to type through all the muck and swirly fog flowing about in here. I have no idea what to write today…

I cannot believe I once again believed something more than what is in front of me. I have so much going on around me and when I see a change in a certain area all of it freezes as I stare to see what happens next. Then the same thing that always happens does once again and all the frozen pieces crash together on my head because I stopped watching them for a second. Let go and let God is a very common phrase I am told often. I have let go of many things and I pray for people I know I can do nothing for, but God, who is master of all and Creator of all, does so much more with my silence than with every word ever spoken by anyone. That gives me hope. Hope for you, hope for me, hope for us all. God is among us, around us, protecting, guiding and loving at all times, even when we feel like a mixer is swirling around our innards. Let go and let God my friends. I have heard a saying “Italians do it best.” T-shirts, hats, mugs and all manner of marketable products claim Italians do it best. God does it better.  😉 Everything.

Bitterness has no place in a life of forgiveness. If I say I love God yet hate my brother, I am the one living in darkness. Lay down whatever ails you, all your troubles at the feet of Jesus. You can never fall too far.

I have dinner to eat now 🙂

Grace and Peace,



Thoughts (chapter 3)

Someone once told me ‘being a great guy is not enough’. That got me thinking, “What makes a great guy?” More specifically, what makes ME a great guy? I obviously could not have been a great guy if it was not enough, right?

         I have considered this often since then, what qualities make someone “great”. Is it looks, study habits, work ethic, talents, money, morals, etc…After writing Be the One You Seek I thought on this even more often which inspired me to write Work, My Turn, Thoughts and Thoughts (Chapter 2) . In all my pondering (which is still whirring on incessantly) I have come to some semblance of a vague speculation which may be just one possible conclusion. True faith in Christ and sincere, passionate thirst for wisdom and truth in Him is what makes any one of us great and is the most desirable quality I have ever seen in people. Men and women may have great deeds and actions but they fade and blow away. Faith without action is dead so to be truly great, faith and love must be seen and heard. It is not enough to say you believe something. Prove it! It is not enough to think yourself compassionate, courageous or strong. Prove it! I cannot be great without great deeds and having no deeds at all makes me even less. It makes me a liar. So they were absolutely right in telling me that I am a great guy but it is not enough, because in truth, I have been allowing greatness to pass me by while thinking I was doing alright. The glorious truth is, it is never to late 🙂 Sure some decisions and chosen paths take us away from opportunities, but there will always be new chances, great deeds that need to be done. Why not start now? Someone has to stand up, what happens if it is me, or you? What will happen if it is not? The only way to know for sure is to do everything you do to the absolute best of your ability and give the rest to the Master. Watch what God does with your skills and abilities He gave you. I see now that we can pray all we want for guidance and opportunities, but if I do not start moving in the direction He points, I will just be stuck in the same spot forever.

Now, it is time to get to work.


Grace and Peace,



New Day

Today I interview with the Art Director’s club of Denver for Student board member Chair. Thing is, I am not sure if I will continue being a student for much longer. With all the changes and surprises lately, God may have a whole other road for me to travel. I am very excited about the possibilities and opportunities before me  and cannot wait to see what comes next.
What do you do when faced with tough decisions? I am so ready for a new phase of life to spread out before me. Have you ever felt that way? Something I just realized, though, is that every single second is an entirely new phase. Writing this instead of sleeping in or playing a video game could lead to something amazing but is, in itself, a new time where instead of doing the same thing over and over again, I chose to do something great. Make every decision count and if something scares you, that is even more reason to do it, IF the option is a righteous one or is not sinful nor will it cause another to sin. Get me? Writing on a blog may not be a world changing event, but then again, maybe it will be…

Grace and Peace
